2023 Financial Report

2023 Financial Report

Significant surplus forecasted due to unutilized risk response expenses
J.LEAGUE’s FY2023 budget had a deficit of approximately 800 million yen, due in part to the recording of official testing expenses based on the premise of COVID-19 response. In the financial results forecast for FY2023, overall expenses are expected to fall below the budget, with much of the budget allocated to official testing expenses and COVID-19 response measures at various venues becoming unutilized due to the reclassification of COVID-19 in Japan. Therefore, the overall forecast has been revised upward significantly to reflect an expected surplus of 1.9 billion yen. Although the amount of equal allocation funds has decreased when compared with FY2022 due to the review of the allocation structure, we are investing substantially in local exposure, which is positioned as one of our top priorities. Both revenue and expenses have also declined alongside the changes in the distribution channels for our video and merchandising businesses.

(Unit: Million yen)

Account Fiscal 2022
2023 financial forecast
Increase / Decrease
Ⅰ Unrestricted net assets
1. Ordinary income/loss
(1)Ordinary income
Sponsorship income 5,805 5,600 ▲205
Public transmission rights fee income 19,404 19,402 ▲2
Other income 6,822 4,904 ▲1,918
Total of ordinary income 32,031 29,906 ▲2,125
(2)Ordinary expenses
①Operating cost 32,634 27,270 ▲5,364
League operating cost 2,672 2,839 167
Funds allocated to clubs 15,168 11,123 ▲4,045
Expenses for measures to expand the fan base 885 983 97
Investment in local exposure strategy 0 1,239 1,239
COVID-19 response expenses 710 77 ▲633
Other operating cost 13,199 11,009 ▲2,190
②Administration cost 804 723 ▲81
Total of ordinary expenses 31,438 27,993 ▲3,446
Non-operating activities 34 0 ▲34
Total changes in unrestricted net assets 626 1,913 1,287

(Unit: Million yen)

Account Budged 2023
2023 financial forecast
Compared to budget
Ⅰ Unrestricted net assets
1. Ordinary income/loss
(1)Ordinary income
Sponsorship income 5,439 5,600 161
Public transmission rights fee income 19,239 19,402 163
Other income 5,066 4,904 ▲162
Total of ordinary income 29,743 29,906 163
(2)Ordinary expenses
①Operating cost 29,522 27,270 ▲2,252
League operating cost 2,759 2,839 80
Funds allocated to clubs 11,444 11,123 ▲321
Expenses for measures to expand the fan base 760 983 223
Investment in local exposure strategy 1,500 1,239 ▲261
COVID-19 response expenses 726 77 ▲649
Other operating cost 12,333 11,009 ▲1,324
②Administration cost 978 723 ▲255
Total of ordinary expenses 30,500 27,993 ▲2,507
Non-operating activities 0 0 0
Total changes in unrestricted net assets ▲757 1,913 2,670

FY2024 Income and Expenditure Budget

Expansion of growth investment, and new allocation system aimed at reinforcing realization of our philosophy (mission)
J.LEAGUE’s FY2024 income and expenditure budget has been prepared with a view to expanding investment, so as to promote its growth strategy by utilizing the surplus from the previous fiscal year. The main topics related to the income and expenditure budget are as follows.
Increase in J.LEAGUE’s operating expenses
The operating expenses for games have increased with the increase in the number of J1 LEAGUE clubs from 18 to 20. The change in the J.LEAGUE YBC Levain CUP to include participation by all categories has resulted in an increase in the related expenditures.
Increase in funds allocated to clubs
The new allocation system aimed at reinforcing realization of our philosophy (mission), has been launched. These funds are provided to clubs ranked 1st to 9th in the previous year, based on their competition rankings and fan index rankings.
Increase in expenses for measures to expand the fan base
Investment has increased with a focus on digital advertising and the utilization of the Japan National Stadium, which had been effective in 2023.

(Unit: Million yen)

Account Budged 2023
Budged 2024
Increase / Decrease
Ⅰ Unrestricted net assets
1. Ordinary income/loss
(1)Ordinary income
Sponsorship income 5,439 5,529 90
Public transmission rights fee income 19,239 20,857 1,618
Other income 5,066 4,408 ▲657
Total of ordinary income 29,743 30,794 1,051
(2)Ordinary expenses
①Operating cost 29,522 31,099 1,577
League operating cost 2,759 3,707 948
Funds allocated to clubs 11,444 12,071 627
Expenses for measures to expand the fan base 760 1,533 773
Investment in local exposure strategy 1,500 1,421 ▲79
COVID-19 response expenses 726 0 ▲726
Other operating cost 12,333 12,367 34
②Administration cost 978 866 ▲112
Total of ordinary expenses 30,500 31,964 1,464
Non-operating activities 0 0 0
Total changes in unrestricted net assets ▲757 ▲1,171 ▲414

(Unit: Million yen)

Account 2023 financial forecast
Budged 2024
Increase / Decrease
Ⅰ Unrestricted net assets
1. Ordinary income/loss
(1)Ordinary income
Sponsorship income 5,600 5,529 ▲71
Public transmission rights fee income 19,402 20,857 1,455
Other income 4,904 4,408 ▲496
Total of ordinary income 29,906 30,794 888
(2)Ordinary expenses
①Operating cost 27,270 31,099 3,829
League operating cost 2,839 3,707 867
Funds allocated to clubs 11,123 12,071 948
Expenses for measures to expand the fan base 983 1,533 550
Investment in local exposure strategy 1,239 1,421 182
COVID-19 response expenses 77 0 ▲77
Other operating cost 11,009 12,367 1,358
②Administration cost 723 866 143
Total of ordinary expenses 27,993 31,964 3,972
Non-operating activities 0 0 0
Total changes in unrestricted net assets 1,913 ▲1,171 ▲3,084