J.LEAGUE’s Management
Governance reforms
Based on various changes in the environment and with a view to promoting further growth across the league as a whole, J.LEAGUE has advanced a new growth strategy and structural reforms aimed at realising that strategy.
In November 2022, as our new growth strategy we set two growth themes: “All 60 clubs shine as beacon for their various regions/communities,” and “Top tier clubs Shine as providers of national (and global) content.” As structural reforms to facilitate this growth strategy, a policy was decided to: 1) revise the structure of distribution funds, and 2) reform the governance structure of the league. FY2023 was a year during which these structural reforms were implemented.
- (1)Revisions to the structure of distribution funds
In order to promote the two growth themes, the policy is to shift the distribution structure in a phased manner, moving gradually away from the current structure that is based on equal distribution, to one that is more focused on results-based distribution, such as match results and growth in fan numbers, as well as to prioritise investment in measures that will support such outcomes. - (2)Reforms to league governance structure
In order to simultaneously realise a transformation to a decision-making system that catalyses growth more than ever and strengthens the monitoring functions of the Board of Directors, various measures were implemented. These included streamlining the Board of Directors, introducing executive officers, changing decision-making authority, and changing the way in which the Executive Committee—a consultative forum with clubs—is convened, from a schedule of regular meetings to a more flexible, agenda-oriented format. In this way decision-making efficiency has been boosted and the quality of discussions also enhanced.

- Reforms to Board of Directors
- ・Streamlining the Board from a maximum of 20 members to a maximum of 13 (Nine members as of January 1, 2023)
- ・Partial delegation of decision-making authority to the management meeting
- ・Intensive discussions on priority themes relating to J.LEAGUE growth
- Reforms to Executive Committee
- ・Transition from a schedule of regular meetings to an agenda-oriented format
- ・Introduction of decision-making portal site
- ・Newly established position of “Category Director” (2 persons) responsible for promoting collaborations among J.LEAGUE clubs
- Introduction of executive officers
- ・New establishment of executive officers, whose job it is to achieve clear goals in each management area
- Introduction of variable remuneration system
- ・Transition to a remuneration system linked to club and league growth indicators and reforms, etc.
- New establishment of management meeting
- ・Clarify transfer of authority and responsibilities and monitor execution status
- Organisational restructuring
- ・Restructure to become an organisation comprised of five divisions and three departments, with an executive officer responsible for each domain.