J.Club’s Income and Expenditure Trends

J.Club’s Income and Expenditure Trends

Total revenue for J.Clubs in FY2022 was 137.5 billion yen (58 clubs), an 11% growth rate over the 124 billion yen (57 clubs) in FY 2021. Average revenue for J1 clubs recovered to 4.8 billion yen (up from 4.2 billion yen in FY 2021), with the number of clubs exceeding 5 billion yen returning to pre-pandemic levels. With the easing of even restrictions following the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, ticket revenue in the 2022 season recovered to 17.4 billion yen, 81% of the pre-pandemic (FY 2019) level, for 49% growth. Sponsorship revenue and retail revenue exceeded pre-pandemic figures.
This trend looks set to continue in FY 2023, with ticket revenue forecast to recover to pre-pandemic levels at 21.6 billion yen (24% growth). Sponsorship and retail revenues are expected to continue growing steadily, with total revenue to reach 141.7 billion yen.

Graphs I:J1, J2, and J3 club results
Graphs Ⅱ:J1, J2, and J3 club results

※The 2023 season figures in Graphs I and II are J.LEAGUE’s projections based on forecasts of J1, J2, and J3 club results. They may be subject to revision depending on future circumstances.