
Press Release プレスリリース


Partnership agreement with Iran Professional Football League

The Public Interest Incorporated Association of the Japan Professional Football League (J.League) is pleased to announce a new partnership agreement with the Iran Professional Football League (Iran League) on Friday 23 January 2015.

This is the seventh partnership agreement with a foreign professional league for the J.League, after the ones with Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, and Indonesia.

The J.League will use this agreement as a jump-start and will work cooperatively with the Iran League in communication, marketing, tournament operation and academy, in order to develop football even more in both countries. We also aim to increase the quality and efficiency in both the professional league organisation and the management.

Signed Date: Friday 23 January 2015 Site: The office of the Iran Professional Football League in Iran Presenter: Mehdi Taj, the president of the Iran Professional Football League Murai Mitsuru, the J.League Chairman Agreements

1. Information exchange for developing professional leagues in both Japan and Iran

2. Sharing knowledge about the management of professional leagues and clubs, and especially about marketing, including delivering seminars

3. Organising tournaments, friendlies and training camps for developing generations

4. Undertaking CSR Activities in Iran

5. Information exchange on match-fixing

6. Sharing publications and videos of football

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